
Contact Info



Nicholas Baetge

Microbial oceanographer that collects and synthesizes biogeochemical, bio-optical, and experimental data to address questions in plankton ecology and carbon cycling.


Ph.D., Marine Science

University of California, Santa Barbara


2014 - 21

Thesis: The bioavailability of seasonally accumulated dissolved organic carbon and its contribution to export in the western North Atlantic
Committee: Dr. Craig Carlson (Chair), Dr. Alyson Santoro, Dr. Dave Siegel

B.S., Aquatic Biology (Distinction in the Major)

University of California, Santa Barbara


2009 - 13

Thesis: Mucosal microbial assemblages of wild and cultured intertidal finfish
Advisors : Dr. Peter Collins and Dr. Craig Carlson

Research Experience

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Oregon State University


2023 - Present

Postdoctoral Scholar

Oregon State University


2021 - 23

Junior Research Specialist

University of California, Santa Barbara


2013 - 14

Fellowships and Awards

American Geophysical Union

Leadership Academy Network for Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences (LANDInG) Fellow


2024 - 25

National Science Foundation Ocean Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Smoke on the water: the impacts of wildfire ash deposition on surface ocean biology ($300K)


2023 - 25

University of California Ship Funds Program

Ship time aboard R/V Sally Ride (AGOR-28)
Co-I: Dr. Kelsey Bisson (equiv. $250K)




Group Achievement Award, North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)



University of California, Santa Barbara Coastal Fund

Across the Channel: Investigating Diel Dynamics ($12K)



Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

Sydney L Wright Fellowship ($1K)



University of California, Santa Barbara Coastal Fund

Across the Channel: Investigating Diel Dynamics ($12K)



United States Congress

Antarctic Service Medal



University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Geography

Leal Ann Kerry Mertes Scholarship ($1.5K)



University of California, Santa Barbara Coastal Fund

Growth, bacterial resilience, and mucosal microbial assemblages of wild and cultured intertidal finfish along the California coast ($3.5K)



University of California, Santa Barbara

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Award ($1K)


2011, 2012

Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals

Pre-existing in situ conditions shape coastal plankton response to fire-generated ash leachate

Baetge, N., Halsey, K.H., Hanan, E.J., Behrenfeld, M.J., Milligan, A.J., Graff, J.R., Hansen, P., Carlson, C.A., Boiteau, R.B., Arrington, E.A., Comstock, J., Halewood, E.R., Harvey, E.L., Nelson, N.B., Opalk, K., Very Wey, B. in review. Limnology and Oceanography


in review

Molecular delineation and fertilization of dissolved organic matter of Santa Barbara coastal waters during the Thomas Fire (California, USA)

Goranov, A.I., Schmitt, N., Agar, J., Harvey, E., Baetge, N., McNair, H., Arrington, E., Stubbins, A., Wagner, S. in prep.


in prep

Physiological and interspecific factors determine diel changes in phytoplankton bio-optical properties

Baetge, N., Halsey, K.H., Graff, J.R., Ver Wey, B., Westberry, T.K., Appel, A.E., Bourdin, G., Begouen Demeaux, C., Boss, E., Behrenfeld, M.J. (2024) Limnology and Oceanography, (69)2, 390-407.



Altered growth and death in dilution-based viral predation assays

Knowles, B., Bonachela, J.A., Cieslik, N., Della Penna, A., Diaz, B., Baetge, N., Behrenfeld, M.J., Naumovitz, K., Boss, E., Graff, J.R., Halsey, K.H., Haramaty, L., Karp-Boss, L., Bidle, K.D. (2023) Plos one, 18(7), e0288114.



Bacterioplankton Response to Physical Stratification following Deep Convection

Baetge, N., Bolaños, L., Della Penna, A., Gaube, P., Liu, S., Opalk, K., Graff, J., Giovannoni, S., Behrenfeld, M., Carlson, C. (2022) Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 10(1), 00078.



Bacterioplankton communities reveal horizontal and vertical influence of an Island Mass Effect

Comstock, J., Nelson, C., James, A., Wear, E., Baetge, N., Juknavorian, A., Carlson, C. (2022) Environmental Microbiology. 24(9), 4193-4208.



Characterization of Sea Surface Microlayer and Marine Aerosol Organic Composition using STXM-NEXAFS Microscopy and FTIR Spectroscopy.

Lewis, S., Russel, L., Saliba, G., Quinn, P., Baters, T., Carlson, C., Baetge, N., Aluwihare, L., Boss, E., Haetjens, N., Frossard, A., Bell, T., Behrenfeld, M. (2022). ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 6(7), 1899-1913.



Seasonal mixed layer dynamics shape phytoplankton physiology, viral infection, and accumulation in the North Atlantic.

Diaz, B., Knowles, B., Johns, C., Laber, C., Bondoc, K.G.V, Harvey, E., Lowenstein, D., Fredricks, J., Haramaty, L., Natale, F., Graff, J., Haentjens, N., Westberry, T., Baetge, N., Mojica, K., Gaube, P., Boss, E., Carlson, C., Behrenfeld, M., Van Mooy, B., Bidle, K. (2021). Nature Communications. 12(1), 6634.



Investigating atmospheric inputs of dissolved black carbon to the Santa Barbara Channel during the Thomas Fire (California, USA).

Wagner, S., Harvey, E., Baetge, N., McNair, H., Arrington, E., Stubbins, A. (2021). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(8), e2021JG006442.



The Seasonal Flux and Fate of Dissolved Organic Carbon through the Food Web in the Westen North Atlantic.

Baetge, N., Behrenfeld, M., Fox, J., Halsey, K., Mojica, K., Novoa, A., Stephens, B., Carlson, C. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, 669883.



Seasonality of the microbial community composition in the western North Atlantic.

Bolaños, L., Choi, C.J., Worden, A., Baetge, N., Carlson, C., Giovannoni, S. (2021). Frontiers in Marine Science. 8, 624164.



Role of Sea Surface Microlayer Properties in Cloud Formation.

Hendrickson, B., Brooks, S., Thornton, D., Moore, R., Crosbie, E., Ziemba, L., Carlson, C., Baetge, N., Mirrielees, J., and Alsante, A. (2020). Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 596225.



Net Community Production, Dissolved Organic Carbon Accumulation, and Vertical Export in the Western North Atlantic.

Baetge, N., Graff, J. R., Behrenfeld, M. J., & Carlson, C. A. (2020). Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 227.



California Wildfire Burns Boundaries Between Science and Art.

Bisson, K. M., Baetge, N., Kramer, S. J., Catlett, D., Girling, G., McNair, H., Arrington, E., Hayes, D., Jacobs, C., James, A., Closset, I., Fischer, A., Wagner, S., Reading, M., Comstock, J., Amiri, S., Harvey, E., Carlson, C. Gaube, P., Drushka, K., Valentine, D. (2020). Oceanography. 33(1), 16-19.



Different carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules proxy compounds select distinct bacterioplankton for oxidation of dissolved organic matter in the mesopelagic Sargasso Sea.

Liu, S., Parsons, R., Opalk, K., Baetge, N., Giovannoni, S., Bolaños, L. M., Kujawinski, E.B., Longnecker, K., Lu. Y, Halewood, E., Carlson, C. A. (2020). Limnology and Oceanography. 65(7), 1532-1553.



Stable isotope probing identifies bacterioplankton lineages capable of utilizing dissolved organic matter across a range of bioavailability.

Liu, S., Baetge, N., Comstock, J., Opalk, K., Parsons, R., Halewood, E., English, C., Giovannoni, S., Bolanos, L., Nelson, C., Vergin, K., Carlson, C. (2020) Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 2364.



Seasonal Differences and Variability of Concentrations, Chemical Composition, and Cloud Condensation Nuclei of Marine Aerosol over the North Atlantic.

Saliba, G., Chen, C., Lewis, S., Russell. L, Quinn, P., Bates, T., Bell, T., Lawler, M., Saltzman, E., Sanchez, K., Moore, R., Shook, M., Rivellini, L., Lee, A., Baetge, N., Carlson, C., Behrenfeld, M. (2020). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 125(19).



Factors driving the seasonal and hourly variability of sea-spray aerosol number in the North Atlantic.

Saliba, G., Chen, C. L., Lewis, S., Russell, L. M., Rivellini, L. H., Lee, A. K., Quinn, P.K., Bates, T.S., Haëntjens, N., Boss, E.S., Karp-Boss, L., Baetge, N., Carlson, C., Behrenfeld, M. (2019). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(41), 20309-20314.



The North Atlantic aerosol and marine ecosystem study (NAAMES): science motive and mission overview.

Behrenfeld, M. J., Moore, R. H., Hostetler, C. A., Graff, J., Gaube, P., Russell, L. M., Chen, G., Doney, S.C., Giovannoni, S., Liu, H., Proctor, C., Bolaños, Baetge, N., Davie-Martin, C., Westberry, T.K., Bates, T.S., Bell, T.G., Bidle, K.D.,, Boss, E.S., Brooks, S.D., Cairns, B., Carlson, C., Halsey, K., Harvey, E.L., Hu, Chuanmin, Karp-Boss, L., Kleb, M., Menden-Deuer, S., Morison, F., Quinn, P.K., Scarino, A.J., Anderson, B., Chowdhary, J., Crosbie, E., Ferrare, R., Hair, J.W., Hu., Y., Janz, S., Redemann, J., Saltzman, E., Shook, M., Siegel, D.A., Wisthaler, A., Marting, M.Y., Ziemba, L. (2019). Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, 122.



Field and Sea Experience

Early Career Chief Scientist Workshop

R/V Kilo Moana, 5 days

21.75˚N, 158˚W


Redfield Ratio

Oregon State University
R/V Robert Gordon Sproul, 28 days

31 - 36˚N, 117 - 123˚W


Across the Channel: Investigating Diel Dynamics (ACIDD)

University of California
R/V Sally Ride (AGOR-28), 6 days

32˚N, 119˚W


Served as Co-Chief Scientist


Simons Foundation International
R/V Atlantic Explorer, 2 expeditions x 4 days each

31˚N, 64˚W

2016 - 17

North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)

R/V Atlantis (AGOR-25), 3 expeditions x 26 days each

39˚N - 57˚N, 40˚W

2015 - 18


Moorea Coral Reef-Long Term Ecological Research Network
R/V Kilo Moana (T-AGOR-26), 11 days

17˚S, 150˚W



US Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program
R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer (icebreaker), 46 days

17˚S - 67˚S, 149˚W


Conference Presentations

(Poster, co-author) Unique hyperspectral signatures of diatoms

TOS Ocean Optics

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Oct 2024

(Poster, first-author) Diel variability in phytoplankton backscattering and cell composition

TOS Ocean Optics

Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Oct 2022

(Lightning poster, first-author) Dissolved organic carbon accumulation and export potential in the Western North Atlantic

AGU/ASLO/TOS Sciences Meeting

San Diego, CA

Feb 2020

(Talk, first-author) DOC bioavailability and evidence of priming effect in the western North Atlantic

AGU/ASLO/TOS Ocean Sciences Meeting, student travel award

Portland, OR

Feb 2018

(Talk, first-author) Estimating DOC bioavailability with marine bioreactors

ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, student travel award

Honolululu, HI

Feb 2017

Departmental Presentations

(Talk) Smoke on the water: the impacts of wildfire ash deposition on surface ocean biology

Department of Microbiology Seminar

Oregon State University

Feb 2024

(Talk) Illuminating the path: phytoplankton production and its vertical fate

Department of Microbiology Seminar

Oregon State University

May 2023

(Talk) Net community production, dissolved organic carbon and export in the Western North Atlantic

Department of Geography Biogeosciences Group Seminar

University of California, Santa Barbara

Nov 2019

(Talk) ROAM-ing on ACIDD

Department of Geography 264 Seminar

University of California, Santa Barbara

Jan 2019

Science Team Meeting Presentations

(Talk) DOM accumulation driven by ecosystem state

NAAMES All-Scientists Meeting (50+ participants)

NASA Langley Research Center, VA

Jun 2019

(Talk) DOC bioavailability, bacterial production and carbon demand

NAAMES All-Scientists Meeting (74 participants)

Oregon State University

Jun 2018

(Poster) Bacterial remineralization of DOM

NAAMES All-Scientists Meeting

Oregon State University (74 participants)

Jun 2018

(Poster) Bacterial carbon and growth efficiencies in the North Atlantic

NAAMES All-Scientists Meeting (67 participants)

NASA Langley Research Center

May 2017

(Poster) Bioavailability and fate of DOM

NAAMES All-Scientists Meeting (58 participants)

Oregon State University

Oct 2016

(Poster) NAAMES DOM dynamics, characterization, and bioavailability

NAAMES All-Scientists Meeting (60+ participants)

NASA Langley Research Center

Oct 2015

Student Trainees

Tara Conrad (BSc)


Oregon State University

2024 - Present

Parker Hansen (BSc)


Oregon State University

2023 - Present

Amanda Appel (BSc, Thesis)


Oregon State University

2021 - 22

Ruby Korpics (BSc, Thesis)


University of California, Santa Barbara

2018 - 19


Guest Lecture (Measuring photosynthesis)

Botany and Plant Pathology 480/580

Oregon State University

May 2024

Mentor and Co-Coordinator

Pernot Microbiology High School Summer Camp

Oregon State University

Jul 2022 - 24

Lead Teaching Assistant

Marine Microbiology Laboratory (EEMB 144L)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Fall 2018 - 20

Teaching Assistant

Introductory Biology Laboratory (EEMB 3L)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Fall 2015 - 16


UCSB Summer Sessions: Research Mentorship Program

University of California, Santa Barbara

Jul - Aug 2012

Professional Service

Field Support

NASA EXPORTS (EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing) Expeditionary Alternate

North Atlantic


Ad-hoc Peer Review

Science Advances (1), Aquatic Microbial Ecology (1), ISME (1), mbio (1), Marine Chemistry (1), JGR Biogeosciences (1), Global Biogeochemical Cycles (1, with ECR co-reviewer)



Service to Professional Societies

AGU Bridge Program Reviewer


Departmental Service

Graduate Student Representative Election Working Group

Marine Science Institute Search Committee

University of California, Santa Barbara

2020 - 21

Committee Member

Graduate Student Advisory Committee

University of California, Santa Barbara

2016 - 18


Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science Seminar Series

University of California, Santa Barbara

2016 - 17

Social Chair

Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science

University of California, Santa Barbara

2014 - 17

Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


AGU Bridge Program

American Geophysical Union



Core Values Committee

Oregon State University

2022 - 23


Marine Science DEI Working Group

University of California, Santa Barbara

2020 - 21


Unlearning Racism in the Geosciences (URGE)

University of California, Santa Barbara

2020 - 21

Public Outreach

NSF-UNOLS Chief Scientist Workshop Contributor

Scientist Posts


Aug 2024

Smithsonian Institution Contributor

A Microbial World


Jul 2019

University of California Graduate Student Delegate to California State Assembly


Sacramento, CA

Mar 2019

Sisters of the Blue Interviewee

Plankton from Outer Space


Nov 2017

NASA Earth Observatory Notes from the Field Contributor

North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)


2016 - 18

National Academies Keck Futures Inititaive Contributor

Magazine and Documentary